Tuesday, December 14, 2010

(It DOES matter)

Don't care …. It does not worth it …. Take it easy …. It doesn't really matter …. Why me?! .... It happens in all other countries …. Is that me who are going to change THE WHOLE WORLD, are very familiar sentences to our ears nowadays, aren't they?

I think we became more selfish and caring only about ourselves and any other things related to the pronoun "I" regardless to any other thing does not spinning around "I" atmosphere, because of the fast paced era that we are witnessing.
There is no time, is the fake excuse that we used to split it out, when we get convinced about an idea.
And by this way – being selfish – be completely sure that as long as you are caring about yourself only, you won't achieve any goals that you have set beforehand and dedicate your whole time for achieving them, because by a way or another achieving your goals is dependent on the others to achieve their goals too.

Hence, being an Entrepreneur, being the starter, being proactive will allow you to maintain the "I" circle and get involved with public activities like (Elections-Demonstrations-workshops-study trip…………………etc).
Join the workshops that are always holding in universities even if you graduated already, join NGO'S (Non Governmental Organization), Travel, Help handicapped People, join models. It doesn't matter to be a member or delegate the only thing that matters now that you joined.


And believe me when you become an entrepreneur you will color your "I" circle with others experiences colors and will be able to go up the success ladder to see the full horizon and leave the foggy place.

Mohamed Abd El Momen Mostafa

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Huge Strong Chain

The most reasonable explanation of being alive in my point of view is not only to preserve what is left of past civilization and hand it over to the coming generations after cut out those decayed values, but also to build a current civilization, which will be afterwards the cultural heritage of our grandsons.

By this way the ring - represented in the frequently generations – will be tied together making a huge chain – represented in a strong society surrounded by good & moral values through generations , which will be hardly broken in by the raiders.



And surely, education is playing a major role of industrializing this huge strong chain, but with regard of official education it has a limited specific period, so it would be better if formal education has an inner target or aim which is making individuals love & have desire to educate themselves by themselves the groundbreaking which is called nowadays (Self Study) in order to create a creative & unusual solutions for their problems, even if they have been graduated on their own.

Self Study

 By and large, we can summarize the passage in statement (Who has no past, has no present & who has no present has no future), so lets consider this passage as a seed of campaign entitle of (A huge strong chain) trying everyone of us in it to strengthen his own ring by gaining spiritual & moral values simultaneously to establish the campaign's goal, which is making "a huge strong chain".

Love between Different Generations